Album art

A collection of unused concepts from various projects at Bethel Music. I love seeing progress shots and rejects from other designers, so I thought I'd share some of mine. There are a lot more that can't be shown for various reasons - hopefully I'll be able to in the future.

(Early comp) Lindy Cofer: Driven By Love
(Early comp) Lindy Cofer: Driven By Love
(Early comp) Cory Asbury: The Father's House (Single)
(Early comp) Cory Asbury: The Father's House (Single)
(Early comp) Cory Asbury: The Father's House (Single)
(Early comp) Bethel Music compilation: Revival's In The Air (previously titled God of Revival)
(Early comp) Bethel Music compilation: Revival's In The Air (previously titled God of Revival)
(Early comp) Bethel Music compilation: Revival's In The Air (previously titled God of Revival)
(Early comp) Bethel Music compilation: Revival's In The Air (previously titled God of Revival)
(Early comp) Bethel Music compilation: Revival's In The Air (previously titled God of Revival)
(Early comp) Peace album
(Early comp) Peace album
(Early comp) Peace album
(Early comp) Peace album
(Early comp) Peace album